Wednesday, 1 — Friday, 3 November 2023

Call for abstracts

Abstracts submission is now closed

Abstract submissions

Delegates who would like to present their work at the Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) are invited to submit an abstract for consideration. Abstracts for platform and poster presentations on all aspects of clinical, basic science of allied health studies of epilepsy can be submitted. Young or early researchers in epilepsy are encouraged to submit abstracts.

Abstracts should conform to the style and formatting requirements set down below. Word limit for main text is 300 (not including title, authors, affiliations).

Please read the information below before you submit your abstract.

Requirements for the submission of abstracts:

  • All abstracts must be submitted online
  • If you wish to submit an abstract for consideration, you must also intend on registering to attend the ASM

YES Platform session criteria

  • If you would like your abstract to be considered for the YES platform session, please indicate this when submitting your abstract.

The ESA Young Epilepsy Section (YES) is a group of young Australians and New Zealanders in the early stages of their career focused on the care of people living with epilepsy and/or epilepsy research. We are part of the international YES-ILAE, a worldwide organisation including neurologists, nurses, researchers, scientists, neuropsychologists, pharmacologists, mathematicians, and more!

To qualify as a regular YES member with the right to vote on the direction of YES, members must be junior, student, or trainee members of the ESA (i.e., age < 40 or still in training).


Size and preparation
The abstract should be in Microsoft Word in the following format:

  • Single line spacing
  • Arial Font 11
  • Title: bold, left aligned
  • Please do not include the following in your abstract document: Authors, Co-authors: Surname, Granting bodies. This information should be added into the online form during the submission process
  • Abstract Text:
    - Left aligned
    - Maximum word count of 300 words.

The abstract should be structured as follows:

  • A title that clearly refers to the nature of the abstract
  • The objective should contain 1-2 sentences that clearly indicate the scientific question of the study and its clinical or scientific importance
  • Methods should contain sufficient information to be able to understand the design and analysis and statistics used. Include here compliance with local ethics requirements.
  • Results should contain objective data to answer the scientific question
  • Conclusions should only cover conclusions of the study directly supported by the results, along with implications for clinical practice. Speculation and over-generalisation are to be avoided.
  • Graphs can be included but are taken as equal to 50 words of text.
  • Words in tables or flow diagrams count towards total word count.
  • Define abbreviations on first use.
  • Ensure the abstract does not contain spelling, grammar or scientific mistakes.
  • There will be NO late breaking abstracts.
  • Abstracts that contain >300 words will be rejected.
  • Abstracts in PDF format will not be accepted.
  • Declare any conflict of interest regarding the submission ie: commercial interests or associations.

Each abstract will be scored in a blinded fashion by the Scientific Committee.